Thursday, December 2, 2010


It is always fun to see your little one develop their personality and  do funny little things. Emmy is always arching her back all the way to look at the world around her. This cracks me up because she does this instead of twisting her head. Now don't let me confuse you, she does turn her head sometimes but most of the time she opts to look at the world upside down.
Another crazy thing I just don't understand is how she pulls her blankets over her head to sleep. Being a first timer this scares the you know what out of me. But you just try to pull it off her face, just try.... I dare you. She will scream and pull it right back up over her face and fall right back to sleep.
She will also arch her head back and use this as a guide to get around. Basically she crawls on her back and looks at everything upside down again. She does this in her crib at night, when she should be sleeping, but instead she finds her way behind the bumper pads. We have to remove them now, because mommy is scared out of her wits!

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